Guide to Bird Control

Don’t Give Birds the Tools to Nest

Oh no, it looks like those pesky birds have taken over your yard or business! I know how frustrating it can be when they leave a mess everywhere or cause damage. But don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place to learn how to humanely get rid of birds and keep them from coming back.

Identify Bird Problems and Severity

The first step is figuring out what types of birds you’re dealing with. Are they pigeons, seagulls, crows, starlings or something else? Identifying the species will help determine the best bird control method.

Next, evaluate the extent of the problem. Are there just a few birds hanging around or large flocks flocking in? Are they causing minor nuisances or major damage? Understanding the intensity of the bird pressure will help gauge the right level of control needed.

Here are some signs of high bird pressure:

  • Large numbers of bird population present
  • Accumulation of droppings
  • Nesting and roosting behavior
  • Damage to property, crops or inventory
  • Health hazards from droppings and feathers
  • Aggressive behavior around food sources

If you’re seeing several of these issues, you likely need comprehensive long-term bird control solutions. Minor problems may only require some simple deterrents.

Different Strategies for Short-Term vs Long-Term Bird Control

Short-Term Bird Control

For minor bird problems, some easy DIY options can help get quick results:

  • Reflective deterrents – Wind chimes, metallic streamers and flashing lights can startle birds and make them reluctant to land.
  • Scent repellents – They dislike the smell of garlic, mint, oregano and capsaicin. Spray these oils around unwanted roosting areas.
  • Ultrasonic noise devices – Emit high-frequency sounds that annoy them and cause them to avoid the area.
  • Visual scare devices – Lifelike plastic owls and rubber snakes can frighten them away. Needs to be moved frequently so  don’t get used to them.

While these solutions may discourage them initially, they usually provide only temporary relief before they get acclimated. For best success, use multiple deterrents and move them to new locations frequently.

Long-Term Bird Control

For major bird infestations and permanent control, more advanced solutions are needed:

  • Netting – Durable mesh netting properly installed over rafters, roof beams, eaves and other structures can completely block bird access and prevent roosting.
  • Bird Spikes – Plastic or stainless steel spike strips placed on ledges, rafters and roof peaks prevent birds from landing and perching.
  • Electric tracks – Low-voltage electric tracks give birds a safe but startling zap if they try to land on architectural ledges or beams.
  • Slope modification – Changing the slope angle of ledges to at least 45 degrees deters them from roosting.
  • Raptor decoys – Life-size hawk or owl effigies convince pest birds a predator is nearby. Multiple units should be installed and frequently relocated.
  • Chemical repellents – Non-toxic avian distasteful agents applied to roosting areas irritate birds’ feet and feathers, conditioning them to avoid treated areas.
  • Exclusion – Blocking all openings greater than 1 inch with hardware cloth, mortar, wood or other materials deprives birds of roosting sites.

For optimal protection, integrate several deterrents rather than relying on a single method. And be sure to remove any food, water and cover sources that may attract them to the location.

Products Needed for Bird Control

Here are some of the most effective bird control products:

Bird Netting

Durable, knotted polyethylene or polypropylene netting prevents access to enclosed areas. Comes in various mesh sizes and can be custom cut to fit.

Bird Shock Flex Track

Low-voltage electric track emits safe shocks to condition birds to avoid sitting on architectural ledges and beams.

Bird Slope

PVC panels change ledge angles to 45-60 degrees to prevent them. Customisable sizes.

Bird Wire

Stainless steel wire with sharp points deters them landing when installed on ledges, signs, rafters, etc.

Bird Gel Repellents

Clear, non-toxic gels make surfaces tacky and irritating to bird species. Applied to ledges, beams and roosting areas.

Bird Fire Gel

Spicy gel flavored with capsaicin extracts discourages birds from feeding/loafing in treated areas.

Bird Scare Flash Tape

Highly reflective Mylar tape flickers and flashes in airflow to frighten birds. For agricultural or airfield use.

Ultrasonic Bird Repellers

Electronics emit high-frequency sound waves to repel birds. Available in various coverage capacities.

When shopping for commercial physical deterrents, look for reputable manufacturers like Barrier and Nixalite that offer quality, lasting products. Properly installing products per instructions will maximise effectiveness.

About Bird Barrier

Barrier is one of the top manufacturers of professional bird control. Based in California, they have protected architectural sites, farms, airports and commercial facilities from nuisance birds since 1992.

FAQ on Bird Control

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about controlling pest bissues:

What are some basic ways to get rid of birds?

Reflective deterrents, bird repellents, ultrasonic tools and visual scare products can help discourage bird activity. But for permanent exclusion or bird deterrents, commercial products properly installed tend to be most effective long-term.

How do you keep birds from occupying  a building?

Block access by installing durable netting over eaves, rafters, ledges and other architecture. Spikes on ledges and roof peaks also deter site and roosting.

How do you keep birds off patios and decks?

Install plastic or stainless steel spikes on railings, posts, beams and ledges. Netting secured above patios and decks provides complete overhead coverage. Ultrasonic repellers also help discourage range of birds from using patio areas.

Final Thoughts

Controlling birds takes some careful inspection, planning and persistence. Minor bird issues may be managed with reflective and visual deterrents, scent repellents and other DIY solutions. But severe infestations usually call for the proven bird exclusion and deterrent products professionally manufactured by companies like Bird Barrier. Integrating netting, spikes, slopes, optical gel repellents and electric tracks creates a layered defense against roosting and loafing birds. With the right combination of reputable products properly installed, you can reclaim your property from pest and prevent them from returning.

Pro Tip:

One handy but often overlooked solution for controlling birds is removing access to nesting materials. Pigeons, crows, starlings and others need twigs, leaves, straw and other debris to construct nests on or inside buildings. Regularly clearing away any potential nest near structures helps deny birds this key resource. Combined with physical barriers like netting or spikes that deter nest building, eliminating available supplies can provide an effective solution for reducing bird droppings, behaviors and associated health risks.