How Often Do You Need Pest Control?

Factors Affecting the Frequency of Pest Control Visits

How Often Do You Need Pest Control?

Nobody wants to share their space with creepy crawlies or flying pests.

But how often do we need professional help? Well, there are a few things that affect the frequency of visits required from regular pest control services including pest inspections.

Homes located in rural can expect a lesser severity as well as fewer visits from the expert pest controllers at Eco Pest Control Perth for their issue.

1. Location of property

The location of your home and building size is significant considerations that determine the intensity and duration of common pest infestation like termites. In an urban environment close to general households with food waste, chances are higher of recurring issues due to easy access. Whereas homes located in rural can expect a lesser severity as well as fewer visits from expert controllers for their issues.

2. Age of Property

When it comes to the age of your home, older homes may require more frequent visits from a reliable service like termite inspection, regular visit, and monthly treatment. This is because over time,, there are chances that certain areas may have positive effects on pests and insects. Like leakages that could attract termites or other such populations.

3. Type of pest

The pest type infestation dictates the kind of solution needed. For example, if you are dealing with termites or flying insects like bees and wasps, experts have different treatments for each problem. Whereas if ants and bedbugs become a problem, the team can apply specialised treatments to get rid of them. Such as baiting systems for ants and high-powered vacuum cleaners to remove eggs and live beds from carpets and furniture.

4. Extent of the infestation

The extent of the infestation is also another consideration that indicates the frequency of visits and cost of service, whether monthly or bi-monthly. The extent of infestation and insects is determined by inspection conducted by pest control experts. They use thermal imaging and advanced electronic tools to detect hidden structural damage. Also, exterminate bugs from getting a stronghold across several areas.

5. Weather conditions

It also plays a part in determining the frequency of visits. If there is an expected increase in rainfall, this might create an influx of moisture or water sources in any place that may attract termites. However, professionals and any pest business can evaluate your home and recommend some pest preventive measures that can help avoid any future flooding.


How often do I need pest control for ants?

You need ant control service every 3-6 months to keep ants away. Getting more frequent treatments can help manage more severe ant infestations.

How often do I need pest control for cockroaches?

Get control for cockroaches done every 2-3 months to prevent infestations. More constant treatments may be needed if you have a heavy cockroach infestation.

How long does it take for pest control to be effective?

Pest control treatments take 2-3 weeks to fully eliminate pests and be effective. It depends on the type of treatment option, with some working faster than others. Allow time for treatments to work.

How often should a house be pest-controlled?

A house should have treatments every 2-4 months for protection. Houses with more nuisance or access points may need more regular action and cleaning. Preventative care is key.

Factors Affecting the Frequency of Pest Control Visits


In conclusion, it is vital to take guidance from professionals whenever needed.

Professionals pride themselves in their genuine commitment to providing certified solutions that are tailored to your specific situation.

While considering the necessary considerations like location, age, type of treatment, type of unwanted pest and insects, extent of the infestation, and climate conditions.

So when it comes to keeping your home pest-free, professionals can be trusted for jobs done right the first time around.

Article written by Adam Carr From Eco Pest Control in Perth.